Competencia en Educación. Desafíos y Oportunidades

Policy Panel: Competencia en Educación: Desafíos y Oportunidades

Universidad de los Andes. 20 de Agosto, 2024.


Miguel     Miguel Urquiola

Miguel is the Dean of Social Sciences and a Professor of Economics at the University of Columbia. He is an expert in economics of education. More about Miguel Urquiola
Harald     Harald Beyer
Harald is currently a Professor at the School of Government of the Pontificia Universidad Católica and was Ministry of Education in the first government of President Piñera. More about Harald Beyer
Alejandra     Alejandra Mizala
Alejandra is Provost of the University of Chile and Professor of Economics at the School of Engineering of the University of Chile. She has conducted many research projects in economics of education. More about Alejandra Mizala
Chris     Christopher Neilson
Chris is a Professor of Economics and Global Affairs at Yale University. His work focuses on education markets and policies in Latin America. More about Chris Neilson

Policy Panel

The policy panel is organized by the Human Development Lab of the Universidad de los Andes, Chile. It aims to bring together leading experts in Economics of Education and policy makers to discuss their views on the challenges and opportunities of organizing educational systems in which institutions have to compete for students and resources. On top of the presentations, there will be opportunities to ask questions and interact with the presenters.


The policy panel will take place at the Auditorium C of the Universidad de los Andes Library. The main entrance to the campus is located in San Carlos de Apoquindo 2200, Las Condes. There is another entrance in Monseñor Alvaro del Portillo 12455, Las Condes. The panel will start at 10:00am, but the registration will open at 9:15am. There will be coffee and biscuits for participants.


To attend, please fill the form in the registration link