Human Development Lab
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Direct and Indirect Effects of University Special Admission Programs

This paper provides causal evidence that giving preferential access to college to talented students from disadvantaged backgrounds not only benefits them but also their younger siblings and neighbors.

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Closing Gaps in Higher Education Trajectories: Direct and Indirect Effects of Information and Personalized Counseling

This paper uses a large-scale RCT to evaluate in a unified setting---i.e., Chile---a low-touch and a high-touch intervention designed to help high school senior students to make informed choices about their postsecondary education trajectories.

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Radiografía de la Lectura en Segundo Básico

Este estudio presenta el primer diagnóstico de las habilidades de comprensión lectora y subprocesos lectores de estudiantes de 2° básico representativo de la región Metropolitana desde el comienzo de la pandemia. Basado en la evaluación digital adaptativa DIALECT.

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The Unintended Effects of an Intensive Margin Reform to Student Loans on Educational Attainment

This paper documents the unintended consequences of a Chilean student-loan reform that reduced the interest rate by two-thirds in 2012, along with other changes. This reform provides a unique opportunity to assess changes at the intensive margin of ongoing student loans, as opposed to the extensive margin of initial implementation.

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Faculty Gender and Student Performance in Male- and Female-dominated Careers

This paper assesses the effect of teacher gender on the academic performance of students in higher education, considering male- and female-dominated careers. We use rich administrative records of students, teachers and classes from a private university in Chile over a ten-year period.

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Elite Universities and the Intergenerational Transmission of Human and Social Capital

Do elite colleges help talented students from modest backgrounds join the social elite, or help incumbent elites retain their positions? We combine five decades of data on parents and children in Chile with a regression discontinuity design to show that, in the long run, elite colleges in fact do both.

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The Aftermath of a Superstar Firm Collapse: Labor Market Trajectories and Entrepreneurship following Nokia’s Decline

The rapid decline of Nokia mobile phone operations in 2009–2012 left many high-skilled workers looking for new career paths. We use rich matched employer-employee data covering all Nokia workers and other individuals in Finland to study how this sudden labor market shock affected displaced workers.

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Does Employing Skilled Immigrants Enhance Competitive Performance? Evidence from European Football Clubs

We investigate the effect of employing skilled immigrants on the competitive performance of organizations by studying European football (soccer) clubs. Detailed microdata from this setting offers unusual transparency on the migration and hiring of talent and their contribution to collective performance.

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Neighbors Effects on University Enrollment

This policy brief discusses policy lessons from the article "Neighbors Effects on University Enrollment" by Andrés Barrios-Fernández.

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Can policies that promote work among low-income women affect their children’s human capital formation?

This policy brief discusses policy lessons from the article "Understanding the Effects of Workfare Policies on Child Human Capital" by Jorge Rodríguez Osorio.

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Family Literacy and Early Reading Outcomes: How Shared Reading Contributes to Children’s Emerging Literacy Skills

This policy brief discusses policy lessons from the article "Family Literacy and Early Reading Outcomes: How Shared Reading Contributes to Children’sEmerging Literacy Skills" by Pelusa Orellana.

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The Role of Preschool Dosage and Quality inChildren’s Self‐Regulation Development

This policy brief discusses policy lessons from the article "The Role of Preschool Dosage and Quality inChildren’s Self‐Regulation Development" by Carolina Melo.

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Teacher value-added and gender gaps in educational outcomes

This paper uses rich administrative data from Chile to estimate teacher value added (TVA) on test scores and on an educational attainment index. We allow each teacher to have a different TVA for male and female students and show that differences in TVA explain an important part of the gender gaps we observe in test scores and postsecondary education trajectories.

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Its time to learn: School institutions and returns to instruction time

This paper investigates whether the effects of a reform that substantially increased daily instruction time in Chilean primary schools vary depending on school institutions. Focusing on incumbent students and exploiting an IV strategy, we find that longer daily schedules increase

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O Brother, Where Start Thou? Sibling Spillovers on College and Major Choice in Four Countries

Family and social networks are widely believed to influence important life decisions, but causal identification of those effects is notoriously challenging. Using data from Chile, Croatia, Sweden, and the United States, we study within-family spillovers in college and major choice across a variety of national contexts.

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Improving incentive policies to salespeople cross-sells: a cost-sensitive uplift modeling approach

In this study, we present a novel cost-sensitive approach for uplift modeling in the context of cross-selling and workforce analytics. We leverage referrals from sales agents across business units to estimate the individual treatment effects of incentives on the cross-selling outcomes within a company.

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Teacher value-added and the test score gender gap

This paper assesses the effect of teachers on the gender gap in student test scores. It combines different empirical strategies from the value-added and labor economics literature to estimate teacher value-added and its contribution to the math and reading gender gaps.

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Optimal bundle composition in competition for continuous attributes

We propose a model to design bundles’ composition under competition, quantifying its effect in terms of profit and market share in a game among competing firms.

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Desarrollo, pilotaje y validación de la Prueba de Reconocimiento Automático de Palabras en estudiantes chilenos de Kinder a tercer año básico

El presente estudio analiza la calidad del ambiente letrado y de las estrategias didácticas usadas por educadoras de párvulos en 147 salas de preescolar de distintos niveles socioeconómicos en Chile. Para recopilar los datos se usó la herramienta Early Language and Literacy Observation Tool.

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Ambiente letrado y estrategias didácticas en la educación preescolar chilena

El presente estudio describe el desarrollo, pilotaje y validación de la prueba PRAP instrumento creado para evaluar la habilidad de reconocer palabras en español de los estudiantes de kínder a tercer año básico, en Chile. El instrumento se basa en un enfoque diagnóstico que va del todo a las partes.

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Changes in social norms during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic across 43 countries

The emergence of COVID-19 dramatically changed social behavior across societies and contexts. Here we study whether social norms also changed. Specifically, we study this question for cultural tightness (the degree to which societies generally have strong norms), specific social norms, and norms about enforcement.

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Administrative decentralisation and its impacts on educational expenditure and student outcomes: evidence from Colombia

A substantial decentralisation reform occurred in Colombia school education in 2001. The government established an arbitrary rule that granted municipalities with a population greater than 100,000 almost complete autonomy to provide education services (certifica- tion). Going beyond some mechanisms identified in previous policy evaluations.

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Students’ reading comprehension level and reading demands in teacher education programs: the elephant in the room?

Reading comprehension is considered a key ability for students in teacher education programs. Methods: Data from 72 students enrolled in a Chilean school of education was used to estimate the contribution of reading proficiency in first-semester academic performance using regression analysis.

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The relationship between motivation to read and reading comprehension in chilean elementary students

This study examined the role of reading motivation in reading comprehension achievement of 1070 Chilean third, fourth, and fifth-grade students enrolled in public and private schools. Students were assessed in Spanish reading comprehension and were administered the Motivation to Read Profile from Gambrell, Palmer, Codling and Mazzoni (1996), at the beginning and end of the school year.

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Measuring the quality of teaching practices in primary schools: assessing the validity of the Teach observation tool in Punjab, Pakistan.

Monitoring the quality of teaching practices of primary school teachers in low-and-middle-income countries is often hampered by the lack of freely available classroom observation tools that are feasible to administer, validated in their own setting, and can be used as part of national monitoring systems.

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The Role of Preschool Dosage and Quality in Children’s Self-Regulation Development

The present study examined how the dosage and quality of the federal preschool program “Head Start” (HS) in the US related to children’s self-regulation skills in kindergarten. Using Propensity Score Matching and multiple regression (OLS), this study explored how the number of years and hours a week of HS were related to self-regulation among 2,383 children, who entered the program either at 3 or 4 years old.

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Results from a randomized trial of the effective classroom interactions for toddler educators professional development intervention

This study aims to explore participation in the Effective Classroom Interactions for Toddler Educators (ECI-TE) course and if doing so was associated with changes in their noticing and implementing effective educator-child interactions. Sixty-one center-based toddler educators were randomly assigned to control or participation in ECI-TE, an online content and coaching professional development course.